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Art 85- Interactive Art

Today, art has taken on a whole new world.  As time and technology changes, so does art.  No longer is art just done with some pencils, paintbrushes excreta, it has become something much more then that. Artists have used the technology we have to their advantage by creating interactive art.

“Interactive art is a piece of art intended for the spectator’s direct participation. Interactive artists aim to positively encourage viewers to create their own narratives or associations with their interactive works (Rush, 1999, p.201). This can be achieved by letting observers walk in, on or around the art work (Art History Club, 2005). Other works include computers and sensors which respond to body reactions such as motion, or heat (Art History Club, 2005). Many pieces of Electronic art and Internet art are highly interactive. Some art works allow visitors to navigate through a hypertext environment online; some works are altered by textual or visual input from outside; and some allow the spectator to alter the course of a performance (Art History Club, 2005).

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“Interactive art provides a high-level of entertainment value, while allowing you to replace dull, lengthy text and/or table information into visuals that take up less real estate on your screen. Interactive art is fairly extensively used in Computer-Based Training (CBT), Web-Based Training (WBT), and as doorways or portals in website design, game interfaces, kiosks, and image maps.

How can you use Interactive Art?

  • transform dull bulleted lists
  • show features and benefits of a product or service
  • present supporting information
  • define steps or processes
  • replace table information

The possible uses for interactive art are endless.”


One question that is raised is do we consider some forms of interactive art actual art? Sometimes the artist gives an idea and then someone else makes the creation. Should that person get full credit of the piece? Interactive art can be anything from playing a video game to staring into a mirror. As the modern, post, modern, and all the other periods of art related to the time period, art today does as well.  Today our society is based off of technology and art is becoming apart of that as well.

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